自転車整備価格表 昭和40年
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/11/9 5:42)
from Randonneur from Northport Blog
(2015/11/1 21:40)
2015/10/18 国内最高峰のロードレース.ジャパンカップの観戦に行ってきました。 コースは1990年日本で初めて世界戦が行われた宇都宮森林公園周辺古賀志林道を中心としたコース あれから25年日本での趣味の自転車人口は当時と比べ物にならない程になり世界中から応援が駆けつける 世界戦以上の盛り上がりと観客動員数になっていました。 グランツールで走る選手をこれだけ間近で見られる日本随一のレースだと思います。 市街でのクリテリウムレース が終わった17日夜から宇都宮入りしましたが 宇都宮の街は凄い盛り上がり様、まるでサッカーのサポーターの様に宇都宮の街中には 自転車関連のウェアを着たファンであふれホテルでも半分ぐらいの宿泊客が恐らく観戦に来た人か 関係者といった様子でした。 ...
Bicycle Repair Price Chart (Pure Art)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/10/18 5:58)
この記事は次回日本語版を投稿します。 Many Westerners learn to speak Japanese, but reading& writing is another story. Certainly the most formidable obstacle is kanji (Chinese characters). When I first arrived in Japan I was amazed at kanji, there are just so many. In English we have just 26 letters; however the standard kanji ( Joyo Kanji) there are 2,136 characters. Elementary school kids learn 1,006 of these characters ( Kyoiku Kanji). Writing kanji is an art, literally. A couple of years back I did a post on a price chart from 1935 (Japanese only) . Below is a bicycle repair price chart dating back to 1965. It is written by hand using a brush ( fude 筆). The chart is so well done that at a glance one would think it were mass-produced printing, yet a close look reveals that it is written by hand. For those of you that can read Japanese a few things to note. 1. In the old days the local bicycle shop no ...
from Randonneur from Northport Blog
(2015/10/6 0:05)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/10/3 21:07)
Hidori Bicycle
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/9/20 23:11)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 Here is a real beauty sent in by M-san, a Hidori from the 1950's. Several years back we had the pleasure of looking at a similar Hidori (Japanese only). Let's take a look at M-san's Hidori. Although black was by far the predominant color of utility and carrier bicycles in the 1950's, there were other colors as can be seen in the color chart taken from a mid-1950's Yamaguchi bicycle catalog. After black was certainly olive green. Olive green seemed to be favored by the Hidori. Another distinct feature of Hidori bicycles is the round plate brazed to the frame between the top tube and down tube as shown in the photo below. "Black and gold" are a great combination, but olive green and gold also go great together. The symbol of Hidori is a breed of duck known in English as Euroasian wigeon . As is typical of Japanese bicycles from the 1950's the c ...
from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り
(2015/9/20 10:55)
戦後70周年記念 後半
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/9/5 19:59)
70th Anniversary of the End of WWII (Part 2)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/8/21 22:13)
次回この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 In the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII (Part 1) it was mentioned that Japan's bicycle industry began a long decline starting in 1932 as it moved from free enterprise system to state controlled enterprise system and this lasted up until the end of WWII in 1945. There are many reasons for Japan's industrial rise after WWII, surely one factor is that after WWII the Supreme Allied Commander prohibited Japan from pursuing aircraft research or manufacturing. This in turn led aircraft companies like Mitsubishi Company, maker of the infamous A6M3 Zero , Courtesy of http://www.militaryfactory.com/ and, Nakajima Aircraft Company, manufacturer of some of Japan's finest planes including the dreaded Ki-44 Shoki (Devil Queller) t o diversify. Courtesy of http://www.militaryfactory.com/ In the case of N akajima Airc raft Company, it was broken up, resulting in the birth of Fuji ...
戦後70周年記念 前半
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2015/8/9 11:17)
I'll be back with another English post soon until then stay trued and happy wheels.
自転車カタログ 昭和13年 (日中戦争)
自転車カタログ 昭和14年
「材料品薄・統制強 ...