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Bicycle Assembly?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/5/3 8:18) 
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 As mentioned in Bicycle Assembly?   in Japan retailers were actually extended factory processes since bicycles were shipped as"kits", and,"final assembly" and"final inspection" were both performed at the retailer.&nbsp; The introduction of JIS ensured that individual parts met specific industrial standards.&nbsp; However, again, since bicycles were shipped as kits and assembled at the retailer there were no standards governing the final assembly and inspection process.&nbsp; In &nbsp; Bicycle Assembly? , it was noted that in the late 1950's the process of applying JIS to the retailers began.&nbsp; And, by 1960 retailers had to be qualified in assembly and inspection, and, enter into a contract with the manufacturer in order to sell completed bicycles bearing the coveted JIS mark .&nbsp; Below is a Bicycle Assembly Flowchart with times given for each step.&nbsp; Total ...
自転車組立?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/4/18 22:22) 

鑑札・標識・籍証?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/4/11 15:18) 
I'll be back with another English post soon until then stay trued and happy wheels. 前回の 「鑑札・標識・籍証?」 では、へッドチューブ用の鑑札・標識・籍証を見ました。 今回は、リア泥除け用の鑑札・標識・籍証を見てみましょう。 これは未使用の標識版です。 現代の自動車と同じように登録された地域と番号が載っています。 旧漢字が使用されています、自轉車。 秋田県のものです。 これは非常に古くて番号まで漢字です。 . もちろん自転車の「転」は旧漢字⇒自轉車。 次回の鑑札・標識・籍証?では、珍しい鑑札を取り上げます。
Bicycle Assembly?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/4/11 15:17) 
次回この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 In the previous post &nbsp; Bicycle Assembly?, &nbsp; it was noted that in Japan retailers were actually extended factory processes since bicycles were shipped as"kits", and,"final assembly" and"final inspection" were both performed at the retailer.&nbsp; To setforth standards and ensure quality, retailers had to be qualified in assembly and inspection in order to sell completed bicycles bearing the coveted JIS mark .&nbsp; At the time, the JIS mark was the only assurance a customer had, other than word of mouth, regarding the quality of a product. In preparation for introducing JIS, and, to better prepare retailers for assembly and inspection tests, manufacturers produced booklets to explain why JIS is essential, and why retailers need to be qualified in order to sell their product bearing the JIS mark. Here is an example of a booklet from Hikari . Below is a photo taken ...
自転車組立?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/3/22 21:12) 

Bicycle Assembly?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/3/12 12:43) 
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 In the next few posts we will take a look at bicycle assembly in the 1950s. As mentioned in a previous series &nbsp; "Why the 1950's?" &nbsp; to correct inferior quality and establish a legal base for manufacturing standards, in June 1949 Japan enacted The Industrial Standardization Law which became the foundation for JIS (Japan Industrial Standards) . However, in the case of the bicycle industry, this was implemented incrementally spanning ten years from 1953 to 1962.&nbsp; So by the early 1960's the industry was standardized, and, processes that were previously done by hand painting, plating, etc., became automated.&nbsp; Which is why I prefer bicycles from the 1950's since during this period bicycles, to a certain extent, were still being"crafted". First, it is important to understand that, unlike US or British manufacturing of the same period where entire bicycles were built and inspected ...
お引っ越し  from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り  (2015/3/1 21:55) 
さて、先々週、はるばるニュージャージー州から届いたKings CagesのSLTS1818という鳥カゴ。 というよりも日本の基準でいうとオリですね。 脚の部分を入れて高さは150センチほどあります。 約10日間の慣らしを経て、この土曜日に本格お引っ越しの運びとなりました。 スペースが一回り大きくなって、昼間は満足そうですが、夜は落ち着かないのか、いつまでもガサゴソと音が聞こえてきます。
近況  from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り  (2015/3/1 15:45) 
勤務先の合併から1年以上経過して、かなり疲れがたまってまして、体力気力がガタ落ち。 長距離ライドもままならず、週末は横浜市子安にあるBirds' Grooming Shopに自転車に乗って行くというのがパターン化しています。 往復距離約50キロで、川沿いのサイクリングロードをつないで、車の多い一般道はあまり走らなくてすみます。 疲れた体にはちょうど良い距離ですし、おかげさまで、おブンちゃん(うちの鳥ですね)用品が一杯たまっていきます。
鑑札・標識・籍証?  from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles  (2015/2/21 21:37) 

King's Cages SLTS1818  from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り  (2015/2/14 22:19) 
ついに、手を出しました。 海外発送してもらえるアメリカの通販業者が見当たらず、e-bayで出品されている業者に問い合わせて購入することが出来ました。 鳥飼い憧れのケージ、King's Cage SLTS1818。 彼の地では、セキセイかオカメ用ということで、サイズは今のケージよりも縦横は一回り、高さは二回りぐらい大きめです。 色はサンド。 居住者(鳥)よりも、私の方が楽しみです。

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