Shoe Polish and Elbow Grease
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/10/17 23:34)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 Call me old-fashioned but I like simple things that are made well, work well and with care will last a long time. I like the fact that, if you take care of"something", that"something" will take care of you. Things that are made well in the first place, even if not taken care of, can normally be brought back to life. A good example is a well made leather saddle. Here is a Bridgestone leather hammock saddle, well over 50 years old. The leather is dry, faded and worn, the metal frame is still good but the chrome is pitted and flaking off. However, this saddle has many more years of use left. Start with a can of brown shoe polish. A dauber and buffing brush. For the purpose of comparison, I've applied masking tape to one half of the saddle and will polish only one half. Start buy applying shoe polish to the leather working it into the leather. Allow to dry for ...
狛江のくらしと自転車の歴史 10月9日(木)〜14日(火)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/10/4 22:06)
I'll be back with another English post soon until then stay trued and happy wheels.
日時: 2014年10月9日(木)〜14日(火) 10時〜17時
11日(土) 14時から、3階多目的ホールにて講演会が開催される予定です。
場所: 泉の森会館
( 小田急線狛江駅北口徒歩1分 )
内容: 自転車が庶民の乗り物になるまでの歴史を、狛江の歴史とともに振り返る展示会
主催: 泉の森の会
問合せ: 泉の森会館 03-5497-5444
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世界初の自転車「ドライジーネ」、「オーディナリー」、「セーフティ」など展示されます。 ...
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/9/13 21:06)
Work Apron
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/8/29 22:18)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 As anyone who has worked in Japan knows, the vast majority of companies have uniforms. And even for those smaller privately owned shops and craftsmen, there is the work apron known as maekake in Japanese. Worn around the waist and tied off in the front, work aprons not only help to keep the user's clothes clean, but also serve an important advertising function. Let's take a look at this tidbit of history, a maekake which dates back around 60 years. Work aprons are used by a wide variety of shops, and are certainly not limited to bicycle shops. Typical work aprons are made of a coarse indigo colored woven fabric with the proprietor's shop name, address and advertisement printed in white. Let's start at the top and work our way down. At the top in Kanji it reads" Yamaguchi Bicycles and Maruishi Bicycles ". Printed in the middle of the apron are the embl ...
スポークベル (後半 ロッド式)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/8/17 20:05)
I'll be back with another English post soon until then stay trued and happy wheels.
現代では滅多に見かけない 回転式ベル について以前紹介したことがありますが、
それよりもっと珍しい ケーブル式スポークベル (下記)について取り上げました。
写真の左下にレバーと クラッパー に繋がっている細いロッドが見えます。
Spoke Bell (Part 2: Rod activated type)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/8/6 12:48)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 In the previous post I mentioned that I have written about bicycle bells in the past, with a focus on revolving bells , and we took a look at another kind of bell rarely seen today the cable operated spoke bell shown below. It was also mentioned in the previous post that just as rod brakes preceded cable operated brakes, so too did rod operated spoke bells precede cable operated spoke bells. Thus, in this post we will take a look at a very rare rod activated spoke bell. The basic opertion is exactly the same only instead of a cable, rod linkage is utilized. As can be expected, the mechanism, right down to the adjustment rod linkage, is ingeniously simple, yet functional. Here is the lever used to activate the spoke bell. Compare this with the cable activated spoke bell lever . (Click on photos to enlarge.) Note the rod linkage and the thin rod, at the bottom of the ...
スポークベル (前半 ケーブル式)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/7/22 12:31)
Spoke Bell (Part 1: Cable activated type)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2014/7/6 9:00)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 I have written about bicycle bells in the past, with a focus on revolving bells . However, there is another kind of bell rarely seen today and that is the spoke bell. Spoke bells are an ingenious design, whereby pulling a cable operated lever moves a spring held clapper into the spokes, and, as the wheel turns, each spoke then bends and releases the spring held clapper rending a machine-gun of rings: ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding. Here is the lever attached to the handlebars. At this position the spring held clapper is away from the spokes. Squeezing the lever pulls the cable which moves the spring held clapper into the spokes. In the above example, the spring held clapper is normally in the raised, away from the spokes position, until the lever is depressed at which time the spring held clapper is lowered into the spokes rendering a barrage of dings: ding-ding-ding-di ...
シクロクロス パナチタン
from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り
(2014/6/22 23:08)
2014/5完成 コンセプトは、泥除けの無いランドナー。 重量8.7kg フレーム: パナソニック チタン シクロクロス 550mm FCXT06 フレームカラー:S.Mディープブルーの半光沢 ハンドル: Easton EC70SL 40cm ステム: Thomson Elite X2 90mm (ボルトはチタンに換装) ヘッドセット: Cane Creek 110 IS41 シフター: Campagnolo Record 10 F,Rディレーラー: Campagnolo Chorus チェーンホイール: TA Carmina 46x34T BB: Racefaceチタン 107mm ブレーキ: TRP CX8.4 ホイール: 手組Campagnolo Recordハブ、DT RR1.1リム、DTスポーク カセット: Campagnolo Record10速、 13-29T タイヤ: Grandbois シプレ 700x30C サドル: Brooks Swift シートポスト: Woundup 27.2mm シートカラー: PMP
シクロクロス パナチタン
from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り
(2014/6/22 23:08)
2014/5完成 コンセプトは、泥除けの無いランドナー。 重量8.7kg フレーム: パナソニック チタン シクロクロス 550mm FCXT06 フレームカラー:S.Mディープブルーの半光沢 ハンドル: Easton EC70SL 40cm ステム: Thomson Elite X2 90mm (ボルトはチタンに換装) ヘッドセット: Cane Creek 110 IS41 シフター: Campagnolo Record 10 F,Rディレーラー: Campagnolo Chorus チェーンホイール: TA Carmina 46x34T BB: Racefaceチタン 107mm ブレーキ: TRP CX8.4 ホイール: 手組Campagnolo Recordハブ、DT RR1.1リム、DTスポーク カセット: Campagnolo Record10速、 13-29T タイヤ: Grandbois シプレ 700x30C サドル: Brooks Swift シートポスト: Woundup 27.2mm シートカラー: PMP