from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2012/3/18 12:56)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2012/3/18 12:52)
Why the 1950s? (Part 2)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2012/3/18 12:51)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 ( ↓ Click on the photo below ↓ ) In the previous post we took a look at how bicycle production began to be controlled starting in 1932; how bicycle plants were transformed into munition plants; how bicycles were donated to scrap drives in support of the war-effort; how in the period immediately after the war high demand and low supply, in addition to rationing, created a desperate situation whereby what was made in the morning sold in the afternoon on the black market; how bicycles where of questionable quality due to lack of standards and materials but still sold even without tires . To correct the inferior quality and establish a legal base for manufacturing standards, in June 1949 Japan enacted The Industrial Standardization Law which became the foundation for JIS (Japan Industrial Standards) . However, in the case of the bicycle industry, this was implemented incrementally and, as c ...
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2012/3/18 12:48)
I'll be back with another English post soon until then stay trued and happy wheels.
前回の投稿 では、
日本工業規格(JIS=Japan Industrial Standard) により品質が高まり始めたが、
当時の自転車が工芸品 ...
Why the 1950s (Part 3)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2012/3/18 12:47)
次回この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 ( ↓↓↓ Click on photo to enlarge ↓↓↓) In the previous post we saw that immediately after the war bicycles were in great demand and quality was questionable due to lack of materials as well as standards. However, in the early 1950's good materials are becoming available, with the passage of The Industrial Standardization Law which became the foundation for JIS (Japan Industrial Standards) standards began to slowly be implemented but would eventually take nearly a decade to spread throughout the entire bicycle industry. This means that quality and interchangability would not be complete until the early 1960's and that bicycles from the 1950's are largely crafted. At this time bicycles are the only affordable type of private transportation costing on average two months'salary and the status of a bicycle is nearly that of today's automobile. Although munition factori ...
Why the 1950s (Part 4)
from 昭和自転車 Vintage Japanese Bicycles
(2012/3/18 12:45)
次回、この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 (↓↓↓ Click on photo to enlarge ↓↓↓) In this post we continue to examine factors that contributed to making bicycles from the 1950's so unique. As noted earlier in the series (Part 1) following the war, munition plants were converted to peacetime production. So precision tooling for parts was in place, but, as noted in (Part 2) it took a decade (1953-63) for industrial standards to fully spread through the entire bicycle industry. This coupled with lack of automation (Part 3) meant that bicycles were still to some degree crafted and largely built by hand. Those former munition plants which converted to bicycle manufacturing included: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Tsu Machinery Works) Kayaba Industries (Gifu Works), Nihon Kinzoku Sangyo Nakanishi Kinzoku Handa Kinzoku Fuji-koshi Kozai, Fuji Sangyou (Ohta Works) Takasago Tekko, Amatsuji Kogyo Katakura Kogyo Nishinihon ...
浜名湖サイクリング(その2)/富士市「蕎麦切り こばやし」
from Randonneur from Northport Blog
(2012/3/16 18:36)
from アイズの独り言
(2012/3/14 20:52)
グランボア ラージフランジハブ 130mm幅 のみですが36Hも32Hも入荷しました。今までのシールドハブ同様カセットボディはカンパニョロ用に交換可能ですのでご希望の方はご選択いただけます。ただし、120mm幅のモデルは今月末に入荷の予定です。今しばらくお待ちください。 また、 ミカシマの輪行用アーバンペダル も再入荷しています。 そして、皆様お待ちかねのエルス型チェーンホィール。先日の台湾出張で出来立てホヤホヤの1セットを持ち帰ってまいりましたよ!製造元のアメリカよりいち早い入荷です!!でもね、やっと入荷したこちらのセットはピーターさんの完成車にセットされ、アメリカへ送られる予定。くーっ。日本の皆様、もうしばらくお待ちください。来月中には正規に入荷する見込みです。ピーターさんも ...
from 週末ちょっとだけでも自転車乗り
(2012/3/11 21:15)
今日も時間がなかったので、運動がてら自転車で夕方にコストコ多摩境店に行った。 震災で、駐車場への導入路が落ちて長い間閉店していましたが、先月、再開店。 ここでは、1.3kgのコロンビアコーヒーを買った。1,498円。震災前はこのコーヒーばかり愛飲していたので久々。 Cost for value では、second to noneです。 震災後は、200gで945円のものを一週間おきに買っていました。 あと、ワインを一本、798円。 混んでましたよ、やっぱり。 トーエイのランドナーはソービッツの通称ピン級と呼ばれるライトを点灯。暗闇では路面を照らすことなど全く期待できない性能ながら、キレイ。
from Randonneur from Northport Blog
(2012/3/10 21:54)
2012年3月3日 浜名湖サイクリング(その1) 数年ぶりに某クラブイベントと休みが合い参加することに と言っても自転車のクラブではなく... 浜名湖 中之島大橋を行く 蕎麦ポタ仲間でもないのです... 舘山寺付近 なんとSAABのカークラブ SOCJ(SAAB OWNER'S CLUB OF JAPAN)のイベント なぜ車のクラブで... ==========================================