次回この記事の日本語版を投稿します。 As mentioned in Workshop I have moved and I am in the long process of getting settled in. In Workshop (1) I gave the workshop a heart by restoring on old bicycle shop clock. In Workshop (2) I gave the workshop a torso by building a workbench. In Workshop (3) , I gave the workshop extremities in the form of tools, and, in Workshop (4) and Workshop(5) I gave the workshop right and left hand s by adding a Blacksmith vise and frame vise. I n this installment the workshop will receive the first leg . Here is the leg, a simple but effective front wheel maintenance stand to raise the front wheel off the ground. Excellent for working on and around the front wheel: adjusting rod brake stirrups, adjusting spoke tension, fixing flats, changing the tire, adjusting cone bearings, etc.&nbs ...